It's been a while. Your girl had way too much on her plate these past few weeks. The boy on the floor in the meme below was definitely me.

My first two finals were Histology and Embryology and they were last Friday. I studied my little tooshie off for these finals. But literally like 10 minutes before my exam I received some bad news from my brother about my mom in Haiti. That definitely messed things up for me big time. I failed Histology and barely passed Embryology. That whole weekend I was a big ball of emotions, tears, anxiety and panic. I won't go into great detail but this past Tuesday was a big day for me and my family. That day could have gone realllllly bad. So in addition to that stress, I also had my last two exams, Molecular and Cell Bio I and Anatomy that day. I didn't' do so hot on those exams either. By the glory of God everything worked out for your girl though. Things worked out for my fam and I passed all of my classes, but unfortunately not enough to honor them. You need a 89.5 to honor a course I think. I have 4 more semesters left on the Island, I better honor a couple of them while I'm here.
I finished my first semester of medical school y'all and I'm now a second semester student!!! The reason why I started this blog is to help others like I was helped by other blogs I've read before coming here. I write what I write not only as a guide but also to show y'all WHAT NOT TO DO. Learn from my mistakes, do better, be better. I am not perfect, as you can see, but I don't care. This blog isn't about perfection, it's to show you the REAL struggle a basic medical student goes through every day. How we're expected to not only do well in school but also handle the personal issues, the financial issues, the emotional issues that we have all while being active on campus, volunteering and keeping a happy face. Basically you're expected to be super human. It would be nice if the gig came with a super power too, maybe like photographic memory? Super speed?
Anyway, I am extremely grateful that things didn't go as bad like I pictured in my mind. Negativity and pessimism are the root of all evil honestly. I always stress myself out and things always end up working out. God is good and he's always been good so I'm not sure why my basic mind can't understand that lol. Also, I feel like we take the people around us for granted. If it wasn't for friends and family, I would have honestly lost my mind. They supported me all the way through with affirmations, positivity, words of wisdom and lots and lots of love. I was a HUGE baby but they were patient with me. The friends here who helped me get through my classes, who answered my stupid questions even though they had their own material to study. Like....I love my crew. LOVE!
Oh Oh! I moved out of the campus apartments on Wednesday. Still haven't unpacked. I now live in a cute little 1 bedroom apartment in a complex called Adventura about a 5 min walk from campus. I love my little apartment, it comes fully furnished and with kitchenware, a TV, etc. Perfect little setup. My bed is a little too comfortable, so that's going to be a problem when classes start again haha. The only thing I'm not too fond of is that I don't have a view of the ocean or the lagoon. But I can always go to campus or to friends' places for that! :) I'll miss campus living for sure. On campus, my AC ran 24/7, the wifi and water were included so I didn't have to worry about paying for utilities and wifi. Now I have to make sure not to keep my AC on or my lights on for long to avoid high utility prices. Win some, some lose.
I leave for Florida tomorrow and I can't contain my excitement. Even though it's not a long break, I'm happy to be going home for a little bit to see my loved ones, be around familiar faces, eat HAITIAN FOOD that I didn't cook, and eat Chik-Fil-A. Nom nom.
Classes begin on Tuesday, Sept 4th. My birthday is the next day, Sept 5th. I turn a quarter of a century and I will not be celebrating it. Maybe when I turn 30, God willing, I'll have a huge celebration?
That's all folks, gotta go unpack the stuff I moved to my apartment AND pack for Florida tomorrow.
If you're reading this and you have any questions feel free to email me, comment under any post, or add me on IG, Facebook, or twitter and send me a message on those platforms.
I literally just read your entire blog because of course I'm on break and can totally do that now!!! You're doing great!! If you can make it through the first semester of med school you can do anything! It doesn't get easier but you definitely get better at it! All the best
ReplyDelete-Berline <3
Berline! Thank you for reading and thank you for your guidance throughout all of this! You helped your girl out A LOT!