New To My Blog? Read This Post Called "Epiphany" First!


Thursday, May 31, 2018


Sak Pase!

My plan was to post at least once a week but i've found that any little time that I do have is for sleeping so it's hard to find the time to write EVERYTHING that I would like to share with you all.

You're not going to believe score for the Embryology exam this past Monday was the same exact score I've been getting for all of the embryo exams. SAME EXACT SCORE. Isn't that odd? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that I am above the class average and doing well but is consistency a good thing? Aren't I supposed to be getting better and better each day? My goal was to "Honor" Embryology since it's just a 5 week course. To honor means to get an 89.5 percent in a class. I'm close but not close enough. I have two exams left for embryo within the next two Mondays and one final exam at the end of the semester in August. I wanted to ace each exam (get close to 100) so i could have a little wiggle room for mess-ups in the final exam since it's all the way in August and I might forget most of Embryo. However, I don't see that happening.

Everyone is supper stressed because our first midterms are coming up next week. You can feel the tension lol. Midterms for every class including MCB(molecular and cell Bio), Histology, and Anatomy. That following Monday after midterms, the first semester students also have our last Embryo Exam and our first Anatomy lab practical. Issa lot. Issa whole lot. I'll let you know if I make it out alive because I've been freaking out lately. The material isn't hard at all. At least not yet. The problem is the vast amount of information we have to retain and understand for these classes. I don't think there's enough time in the day to study, eat, exercise, and sleep. I've pushed exercising to the side and that's affecting me greatly. My migraines are acting up again because I'M STRESSED. Basically, I need to figure out my life and I need to do that QUICK.

Will Bettyna learn to manage her time? Will Bettyna start exercising again? Will Bettyna be able to retain all of her course material for the exams? Will Bettyna PASS her exams? Will Bettyna honor her courses? Will Bettyna make it through her first semester...successfully? Will Bettyna make it through medical school? Wheww....



Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My Patient

Sak Pase!

Remember my first patient? My cadaver in Anatomy Dissection lab that is. Well, today I learned a lot of things about him. No, I do not know his name or what he did for a living or what he did for fun when he was still living his life. I don't even know what his face looks like yet (face is covered by a bag until we get to that part). The mystery with our patients is finding out what could have possibly ended their life.  We're not given that information, so whatever we do come up with would be all speculations. Anyway, last week, we found out that his axillary vein on the right side of his body was much bigger than the left side's axillary vein, indicating blockage of some kind. One of our Anatomy professors decided to cut that vein open and indeed there was a ball of plaque in the vein. So yesterday and today we took the lungs and the heart out of the thoracic cavity and today we found out some things. There is a huge tumor on the superior side of his right lung and some of that lung tissue was also black which might mean that he was a smoker. Again all speculations. But the most interesting part was when we took out the heart (which was difficult because of the calcified tumor) and we realized that the tumor also reached his heart and was blocking his Superior vena cava. The SVC is a major vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the heart. But imagine that, most of the vein was blocked with only a tiny tiny hole in the middle. We were able to piece together that the blockage we saw in the axillary vein last week must have had something to do with that tumor. I wonder how long he lived with that tumor before it got to that point. I mean, the human body is just so wonderful. Although that major vein was blocked, the body would have somehow found another route(s) to get that blood back to the heart, maybe by using some of the other smaller accessory veins. Not for long of course but for as long as it could. The more we work on our patient, the more we get to discover. Who knows what else we will find?

I felt soooo stupid during lab today. I told myself to go home and not come back to medical school. So while I was looking at my patient, I realized that there were two, NOT ONE, BUT TWO phrenic nerves. Now, all of my life I thought that we only had one. The phrenic nerve is the nerve that innervates your diaphragm. But oh my God, I'm an imposter....take me away.

My second embryo exam was this past Monday and believe it or not I got the same exact score as last time which means that I was above the class average of 78 percent. Glory to God!!! I just pray that it continues like this. It's funny how just last month I was able to do what I wanted, when I wanted. But now all I do is study. THAT'S. LITERALLY. MY. WHOLE. EXISTENCE at the moment, it's sad lol.

AUC finally posted our pictures for the white coat ceremony. If you're interested at looking at the pics go to this link

Below are my two pictures along with the class picture. Can you spot me in the class pic? :)


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Haitian Flag Day

Sak Pase!

I realize that it's already midnight, which means it's not May 18th anymore. However, I still can't let the day go bY without acknowledging that May 18 was Haitian Flag Day. Haitians (most of us) are so prideful of our flag so this day means a lot to us. We take great pride in this day so if you have Haitian friends around you or on your social media feeds you'll see that we went craaaazy. Since 1803, Jean-Jacques Dessalines tore up the French flag and had his God-daughter make a new flag. Her name was Catherine Flon. The flag got modified many times before it became what it looks like today but the point is that on May 18, 1803, Ms. Flon stitched up our first independent nation flag and that's something to celebrate. It's important to note however, that Haitian flag day is not the day when we officially declared our independence. That day was on January 1st, 1804. On THAT day we eat lots and lots of soup joumou. When that time comes, I will talk more about it :) Below is a picture of the Haitian Flag so you can see how beautiful it looks <3 A wonderful Haitian lady on the Island gifted me with a Haitian flag to show out throughout the day so I decided to take some pics with it right before anatomy lab. Enjoy!

Today was also the first Black Medical Student Association (BMSA) meeting of the semester. I had a blast and ate wonderful free food! I hope to run for an e-board position maybe next semester.

I have yet another exam coming up so I will be studying for that all weekend minus the little break I will take tomorrow evening to attend the BMSA game night. Today after the BMSA meeting ended, the plan was to sleep from 7:30p to around 10 or so pm. I didn't set an alarm (I never learn) and didn't wake up until around 11:30pm. So i'm a little behind and might have to stay up until 3:30-4am to finish what I planned on finishing for the night. I feel rested though, haha.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Feels

Sak pase!

I wasn't planning to post today so this post will be super short. We have this little outside patio next to the cafeteria. I am currently sitting on said patio studying, listening to music and taking in the view. Maybe it's the combination of the view, the music and the large amount of coffee I've already ingested this morning but I feel this overwhelming sense of happiness. After a few seconds, I realized  that it isn't the view or the music that makes me feel this way. I'm not feeling happiness, I'm feeling JOY. Joy is permanent. It's not like happiness that is affected by outside events, people or environment but it's a sense of peace I feel when I look back on my life. While typing this, it literally just started raining and I still feel at peace haha. Darn it rain!

Sorry for being so emotional and yucky! But I'm only human. *Kanye Shrug*

Below is a short video of the view I was talking about. Enjoy.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

First Exam and Mini Updates

Sak  Pase!

Wow! I'm beyond words. Med school has been great so far. Definitely challenging. It's a lot of information thrown at you all at once so you're expected to stay on top of the information. My typical day is as follows. Well, actually there really isn't a typical day because our schedule is different every day (grr).  But I have Molecular and Cell Biology from 8am-9:20. Then from 9:30-10:20, I have either Embryology, Anatomy or Intro to Clinical Medicine. Then from 10:30-11:20 I have Histology. Again, depending on the day we have a little break then we have either Anatomy Cadaver Dissection Lab from 2-4pm or we have an Intro to Clinical Medicine workshop or a study skills workshop. If that sounds confusing then good! That's how confused we are here too. They definitely keep us on our toes. The sad part is I low-key love it. Maybe I'm crazy but being tired and on my toes means I'm being stimulated. Don't judge me. Hopefully this means that I will do well. Fingers and toes crossed.

My first embryology exam was yesterday. The class average was 78 and my grade was above average so I'm content. However, I was honestly aiming for an A. But like I said, I'm content with my grade, it could have been worse. Glory to God.

So AUC has this thing were we take mini timed quizzes every Monday for each class. They're mandatory and although not graded, the academic affairs department and our professors are using those quizzes to monitor our progress in our classes. If we're not doing well in the quizzes they will call us into their office to find out what's going on. I like it. It keeps me on top of the course material/

Today was our first real anatomy lab so we dissected today. MY FIRST PATIENT! :) We started working on the thorax so today we took the skin layer off, then the fat layer. It was....greasy. Taking the skin layer off without touching the fat layer was little complicated but I have a great group and the team work was great! We even stayed after lab ended at 4pm so we can finish taking off the fat layer. Great group!

That's all for now folks. Below is a picture I took today before lab :)


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

First Week

Sak Pase!

First of all, I want to welcome the new readers. If you want to get a feel for this blog and how I got to this point in my life,  please click on the purple link at the top left of the page titled "Epiphany." It's right above my face :) 

Tired of studying so this will be my quick break. It's only Hump day but this has already been an eventful week. I have so much to say but no time to say type out everything so I will summarize.

The bins that I shipped through Tropical Shipping got to the Island last Friday but I still have not been able to receive them because the people haven't delivered them to the school yet. Apparently, there was a fire in their warehouse last week and some things got burned. My stuff didn't make it to the Island until after the fire so my things are okay. However, a classmate of mine also shipped most of her things and her crate was in the warehouse during the fire so her stuff got burned. I'm sorry for her.

This semester, I am taking Histology, Molecular & Cell Biology I (MCB1), Embryology for the first few weeks of the semester then Anatomy for the rest of the semester. I'm also taking Anatomy Cadaver Dissection lab. Classes are fun. To be honest, I missed learning, it gives me a sense of purpose. HOWEVER, the vast amount of information already presented to us is not fun. I already have an embryology exam this coming Monday. Incroyable (unbelievable)! It will be okay however, because tomorrow is a St Maarten Holiday (Ascension day) so there are no classes. I will spend tomorrow studying for Embryo mainly and my other classes.

I am a loner when it comes to studying. I like to study alone with white noise music in my headphones. I will definitely try to start doing group studying but only after I've grasp the concepts myself first. I'm a little worried about this because TA sessions will be starting soon and I would like to attend them because I hear they're really helpful however, if I need to grasp the concepts myself before doing group studying/learning, is it really worth it to attend those sessions? I'll figure it out I'm sure.

So far, I love the school. Everyone here is so nice. I thought that I would be the only Haitian at the school but I've met some staff that are Haitian and they've introduced me to other Haitian students on campus. Although, they're not first semesters like I am, it still feels great to have a little bit of home on the Island. The other students invited me to the Black Medical Student Association (I hope i'm saying this right) and I can't wait to be part of that group.

 I gotta get back to all of the fun now :)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

White Coat Ceremony and First Day of Classes

Sak Pase!

Last night was my White coat ceremony. It was a wonderful time. Although my friends and family couldn't be here, they watched it online. They were sending me texts and congratulation messages all night. I felt like they were here with me. I was so happy. After the ceremony, there was a reception with drinks and food.

Today is my first day of classes and that's all there is to say about that. I will post more later but i have to head out now! Below is a picture of me at my White coat ceremony.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Good times

Sak Pase!

Orientation started yesterday and doesn't end until right before our White Coat Ceremony on Monday. So the weekend is definitely not for relaxing AUC says. Since I last posted, me and a few other students went grocery shopping using a rental car. I looked up the address to the stores on my phone, while I have wifi on campus and I just download/save the route to my phone for offline use. It worked wonderfully! The trick was remembering what roads we took so we could return back to our apartments. I went to Ace hardware for my home goods like bathroom carpets, thrash bags, cleaning supplies etc and spend almost $250 there. Then I went to Le Grand Marche (the supermarket) for grocery shopping. I spent about $375 there.....yes that's a lot of money and yes I cried inside a little.  The fun part however was when we were loading three huuge carts of groceries in the car and it started POURING. We all got soaked from head to toe but I think this was the most fun I've had in a while. To get to that store we had to go up and down a mountain, it was so gorgeous. When I get a chance, I will try to post some of my pictures and short videos I took.

The first day in St Maarten, I cried like a baby. I was anxious and I doubted myself but since orientation started I've felt better about everything, I LOVE THIS SCHOOL. LOVE! Everyone is so nice and so helpful. I don't think I could have chosen a better school to be honest. The only thing is my friends and family couldn't make it to the Island with me so i feel a little sad that no one is here to attend my White Coat Ceremony tomorrow. Another thing I love about the school is that they have shuttles to take us where we need to go on the Island (as long as it's not too far). They have a shuttle that starts at 6:15pm to 3am every night. Call or text them through WhatsApp and they take you where you need to go. When you're ready to come back just call or text them and they'll come pick you up. Just make sure you have your ID badge with you at all times, They also have a non-medical transport shuttle during the day to take you to the clinic or pharmacies when you need it. I love this!

Oh! I'm still not able to reach Tropical Shipping to get my darn things from them HOW UNPROFESSIONAL ARE THEY? I called and I emailed, nothing! 

As for my phone, I decided to not get an Island Sim card/number. As long as I have wifi, I can call and text whoever through Wifi calling or text and call through WhatsApp.  What more do I need?

Orientation starts at 9am today so I must be on my way. Pictures and such are coming soon I promise. I'm sorry for my grammar and misspellings, but I mean I did warn you guys under the description on the blog page. 


Friday, May 4, 2018


Sak pase!

I'm on the island. I don't have much time because I have to smile for them to make my ID badge and i have to go register for classes after.  

I arrived on the island and a bunch of AUC representatives were waiting for us by the exit after Customs/Immigration. They were so sweet and such a relief. There were only around 5 AUC students on that flight, everyone else made it to the Island the days prior. The AUC representatives took some of our luggage from us and rolled them for us and placed them on a flatbed truck. We were then directed to get on the shuttle/van to our campus. During the ride, HAITIAN music was playing on the radio, I was so excited because just minutes before I was boohoo crying about being away from home and comfort. The music gave me comfort, even if it was for only a few minutes. We got to campus and I asked the nice driver if he was Haitian and he confirmed it. 

I'm living on campus in a one bedroom apartment and I must say I LOVE IT. I love the apartment and I love the autonomy.

My flight was delayed yesterday so I missed the last shuttle that the school provided to take us grocery shopping. I HAD NO GROCERIES. Meaning no food. Some of the other AUC students that I met on the flight decided that we should go to this BBQ place walking distance to the school to eat. How was it you ask? Well, let's just say that I've been living on the toilet since I got back to my apartment last night :( I guess my body will have to get used to the food and water here.

I am still waiting to receive the bins of stuff I shipped here last week. I'm not sure where to go get them honestly. I have my tea kettle, toilet paper, my pillows and everything in those bins. I honestly should have come to the Island way before yesterday to get settled. I don't have any time for myself really. The school has a bunch of stuff planned for us this weekend and it's all mandatory. 

The Island is still trying to get back on it's feet since the hurricane. So, a lot of businesses are closed and there is still a lot of construction going on. However, the water here is so beautiful and the locals have been really sweet to me since I arrived. I know it's going to take me some time to get used to this change but after i stop being a big baby, I know I will love this place. Sorry for any typos, I'm in rush. Well, I must go now.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Last Night In The States

Sak Pase!

Tonight is my last night in the US. Remember how excited I was about all of this throughout my last few posts? Well, now I'm super nervous and super stressed. THIS IS HAPPENING...TOMORROW! Self doubt is a b****. Am I making a huge mistake? Can I really do this? I mean, out of everyone in the world, what makes me think I have what it takes to make it as a doctor? Am I way in over my head? It's normal to have doubts right? I know I can do it actually. This is a dream come true. It's just that all of my nerves are hitting me at once with full force.

I literally just finished packing. I bought two of those thick storage bins from Target last Wednesday. I filled them with stuff and had them shipped to St Maarten through a company called Tropical shipping. So I thought that all of my problems were solved. Being the procrastinator that I am, I started packing yesterday and realized that even though i shipped some things, there is no way that I can fill two checked bags and a carry on and not have them go over the 50lb limit. Mind you, I will also be going with a carry on and a personal item also. Because of hurricane Irma last year, anyone traveling to St Maarten has a limit of only two checked bags with American Airlines. So I had no choice but to go over the 50 pound limit per bag and pay them $100 for each bag :( 

When  I get there tomorrow AUC says they'll have a shuttle waiting for me at the airport to take me to my apartment. I really hope that's the case!

Now this has nothing to do with the above but this is on my mind and I just thought I'd share. So my mom hasn't been feeling well. My brother took her to see a psychiatrist in Haiti on Monday. Before my brother went, I told him the illness that I THINK my mother has. At the doctors visit my brother told the "Doctor" about the diagnosis that I came up with for my mother. His answer was "wow tell your sister good job, I never thought about her having this illness but considering all of her symptoms I am certain that your sister came up with the correct diagnosis." Mind you, we've been taking my mother to see this doctor for 6 months now and this whole time he never diagnosed her. So the medicine he's been prescribing her for the last 6 montjs....was it some random medication? The reason I'm sharing this is to shed light on one of the reasons why I've wanted to become a physician all of my help my country. My dream is to open a clinic in the US for the underserved population and also a clinic in my country Haiti. Haiti lacks knowledgeable doctors and although I'm only one person, I really want to try to help. This is one of the many things that drives me, that powers me, motivates me to accomplish this goal. Imagine the vast number of people I can help if I accomplish my goal? This is bigger than me, bigger than my dreams, bigger than my life. This is about helping and maybe even saving someone's life. My goal in life, along with giving my parents great lives, is to be a blessing to someone else. If I accomplish that, my purpose in life would be fulfilled.

Next time I post, I hope to be in settled in my apartment in St Maarten, If you pray, say a prayer for me.