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Friday, April 13, 2018

Long Time

Sak Pase!

I realize that I haven't posted in a while. I have no excuse honestly SO I'm just going to say that I've been busy preparing for school? Not good enough? 😅

In all honesty, I have been super busy though. Lots have happened. I finally found someone to take over my lease at my apartment so I am super excited. AUC sent me my financial aid packet and although it hurts me that it's all loans, what other choice do I have? I mean according to google, I will owe over 300K in loans after I'm done with it all. If you're trying to be a doctor for the I mean SPRINT the other way fam.

I've received lots of emails from AUC in the past couple of weeks. I got an email about campus tours when we arrive on campus. There are two on tours on Thursday, May 3rd (That's the day arrive on the Island so I doubt I'll be able to participate and there is one tour on Saturday, May 5th (Can I really wait that long to tour the school though? lol). I also got an email about my registration appointment for Friday Morning at 10am. It's exciting to think about....I'm going to register for my classes IN MED SCHOOL. ahhhhh. I also got my master calendar for the semester. All I had to say to that was "goodbye life." Finally, I got an email from the Director of Admissions for my region that says the following :

Now, how sweet is that? This idea makes me heart AUC even more. However, since they're only giving us 5 postcards, I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to participate because I have more than 5 people to thank for supporting me. It wouldn't be fair to send postcards to some and not all.

I leave Tampa next week. It's bittersweet. This has been my home for what will be 7 years in August. I'll miss it and I hope to come back to visit. If you think about it, I won't have my own home anymore to come back to when I visit the US for breaks. Even after I'm done with the Island after two years and I'm back in the US for rotations, I will still be moving all over the place for rotations and eventually residency. That's insane to think about. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful, honestly. These are just some passing thoughts.

I think I'm ready for the big move next month. I've got my books, my stethoscope and my blood pressure thingamajig....It's called a sphygmomanometer but who wants to type out that long word...wait, I just did. (-_-) The only things I am missing are scrubs, some more summer clothes and of course, a bathing suit!

As Spongebob would say "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready."

Now, this has nothing to do with this post whatsoever but I wanted to share a video of me and my friend Charles singing "Bibanke" by Asa a couple of years ago. Yes, I was smaller back then -_- and yes I messed up a little but thank God for growth!


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