It's been a while y'all. I have been so caught up with catching up with med school that it's been so hard to actually sit down and write a post. Do forgive me! My personal life has been HECTIC, that's actually an understatement. Hectic doesn't necessarily equal bad. A lot of great things have happened in this past month and I don't think my basic mind is able to process it all.
I'm back though! This semester isn't as eventful as last semester and I'm very okay with that. I have more time to study and more time to lallygag...
I'm kidding! I've been very productive this semester. Last time I posted, I mentioned that I was trying to figure out a study schedule for the new semester and I think I've figured it out! Aside from this week, I have been going to class every morning until 11:20am. I eat lunch and "socialize" until 12:30 ish then I stay on campus until 10:15pm-10:20pm every night and get home by about 10:25-10:30pm. Don't worry, the school has a shuttle system where they take you home or anywhere near the campus from 6:15pm until 3 am. But basically I have no life because I spend literally my whole day on campus. During that time spent on campus, I also go to tutoring for my classes and attend other events on campus. I am the Treasurer for the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) and sometimes (like yesterday) we have events on campus that I have to be in attendance for.
Let's talk about MIDTERMS!! Our first Midterms were last week. I have to say, I'm so so so so happy that I am no longer a first semester student because I had so much time to study, IN DEPTH, for my exams. No joke, last semester was really difficult for me because I felt like there was no time. I was always rushing to ICM (intro to clinical medicine I) or always rushing to anatomy lab. I had so much on my plate that I never really fully learned the material in depth for my exams. I was always learning the minimum I thought I needed to just pass. To my current first semester students and incoming students reading this, JUST GET THROUGH first semester! The material doesn't get easier but you'll have more time in your day to dedicate to studying. Just make it through first semester y'all! You'll become a med skewl pro lol.
Anyway, I got my first "A" in medical school in Immunology. For Physiology, I was 0.53 points away from an "A" 😒. For MCB II (Molecular and cell bio), welllll....let's just say that I PASSED and was way above average for that one. The average for the whole class was about 62 percent. Although I am grateful for scoring above average, I studied my booty off for that exam and I thought I would have done much better than I did. So, because I need closure, I have scheduled to go to my professor's office hours to try to figure out where the heck I went wrong. First time going to professor's office hours so pray for your girl. I get nervous, and when I get nervous I forget ALLLL of my English and end up looking like an idiot.
With that said, I am super grateful that my first set of midterms went great. I pray that I can continue getting A's so I can at least honor a course before I leave this island. Remember to honor a course, you need an 89.5 or something so fingers and toes crossed.
Right now, I only have Physio I, Immuno and MCB II to worry about but starting October 29th, they'll add Biostatistics to the load and starting November 5th, they'll add ICM II. So the end of 2nd semester is where the struggle really starts for us because they're adding two new courses on top of us having to study for our NBME Finals. Can't wait!
Last but not least, BMSA is having a suturing workshop this Saturday. I'm excited because we will be suturing on the cadavers in the anatomy lab! I can't wait!
That's all folks.
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