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Saturday, April 13, 2019

4am - Talent Show

Sak Pase!

I should be studying considering that my final exams are in a week and few days but of course I'd rather write a blog post. 😬

The BMSA talent show was last Friday and of course I performed like I've done the past two semesters. As usual, I have it recorded and everything but I've been listening to the video over and over again to make a decision on wether or not I want to post it for y'all to see. I performed the song "4am" by Melanie Fiona and y'allllll I love LOVE the song, especially the end. If you listen to the instrumental without the vocals on youtube you'll see what I mean, the instrumentals at the end of the song just hits different.

Anyway, I rehearsed my song before the talent show with the school's audio system. However, I ended doing the actual performance with the instrumental being played from the DJ's speakers they hired for the night. Unfortunately, the sound wasn't that great from his speakers. I couldn't hear the music properly plus the bass didn't come out correct from the speakers. There was a point in the beginning of the perfomance where I legit wanted to stop the music and start over haha but I didn't want to look like a diva so I had to deal with it.

I meaaaannnn, I still sounded great 😌 lol but the whole time during the performance it felt like I was battling with the music. I had to slow down, then catch up, then slow down, then catch up with the music, especially towards the end, which was supposed to be my FAVORITE part. Anyway, I decided to post it on here since I've posted my last two performances from the last two semesters so I'd feel weird if I didn't do it this time, good or bad right? Either way, the video and some pics are at the end of the post, enjoy! If you want to hear the song from Ms. Melanie Fiona herself just youtube it. It's a great song!

So like I said in the beginning of the post, final exams are right around the corner and I'M OVER IT. Really, I want it over. I'm tired, I'm annoyed, I'm homesick, and I feel like this semester has been like the lonnngest semester yet. IT NEVER ENDS. I just want to be in Florida chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool.

Back to studying, I hope to bring good news about finals!


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