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Friday, March 25, 2022

My STEP scores (. _ .)


Hey you guys. I want to talk about Step 2 on this post. Actually, I'm going to be revealing my step scores, boffum lol. In the beginning, I really did not know why I started this blog and until now I still don't know why I'm typing up these words for you. I don't know who's actually reading. I don't know who's actually benefitting from the words I type but if there's one thing I know, it's that medical school was not easy. A lot of people make it seem like it is and good for them because it might actually be for them but for me? For me that shit was hard. It was hard not only because of medical school itself but also because of all the extra stuff in my life. I had extra responsibilities, I had to take care of my mother like she was my child and that was no easy feat. But I made it. 

Anyway, the theme throughout this whole blog was how much I struggled lol, I made that very clear. But I also made very clear how I overcame through hard work and by the grace of God. I take pride in knowing that I put in work day in and day out to get to where to where I am today. But i'm also humbled by the mistakes I made and my failures which is why I am not afraid to share them with you all so you know that it's okay to make mistakes. Just make sure you don't let those mistakes define you. You make sure to get back up and try try again. Keep trying until you get it. But only take this advice if you REALLY WANT what you're going after. 

Blah blah blah, girl go on with it so your step scores, what are they?? lol Okay so for Step 1....I had a 204. OMG 👀 a what? Yes hunny. You read correctly. I can make tons of excuses why a 204 is not what I was expecting and not what I wanted but at this point I'm over it. I'M OVER IT lol. I'm a whole pediatric resident so who gonna check me now? I was devastated. I hated myself and I cried days oh gosh I cried for weeks actually. But eventually I had to learn to trust God instead of that test score. 

For Step 2 CK...I had a 231. It's funny because I prayed and asked for a 230. God said 'BET!!  I'LL GIVE YOU A 231' 😂  *Can we take a few seconds for a praise break* 💃 AMEN! I mean after the mess I went through with Comp right? lol I put in a lot of work for Step 2 so👀👀 I felt I was more confident to tackle Step 2 than I was with Step 1. I manifested a score of 230 since 2021 started because I knew that if I wanted to match I had to make a significant improvement in my step scores. God is good! 

More to come! :) 



  1. Praise God and continue forward, your journey is inspiration to all those who struggle but don't give up. Would love to read futures blogs on your journey and success in placing in pediatric residency. I am an old AUC graduate (1984) and have been in practice for 36 years, my sons are both currently at AUC, a 5th semester student struggling to pass comp prior to taking step 1 and the other a 1st semester student just beginning his journey.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! You must be an inspiration to both of your sons too! Med school isn't easy at all but as long as it's what they want I'm positive they'll be successful. Tell both of your sons I said GOOD LUCK ON THEIR JOURNEY!
