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Friday, March 25, 2022

My Clinical Comp Journey

Sak Pase!

Long time no write!! It's been a busy year for your girl. So I'm a doctor you guys!! I'm going to write a series of blog posts to update you on the sequence of events over the last year. I can't do it in one blog post because it's way too much to type. I'm going to focus this post on my comp journey. 

Remember when I was in 5th semester on Sint Maarten? It was my last semester on the island and I had a huge comprehensive exam my school required us to take and pass before we were cleared to sit for the USMLE Step 1 exam. Well yea, I failed that exam. Remember that post? lolllll. That comprehensive exam was basically testing everything we learned in our basic sciences in all of our 4 semesters on the island. 

Fast forward to the end of my third year as a clinical student, before I sit for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam, my school again required us to take and pass another comprehensive exam or else we can't take Step 2. Well I failed it again, TWICE! Talk about Deja vu lol. Honestly you guys my whole medical school career has been difficult and sometimes I sit here and wonder how I made it through but I did it. I'm about to be resident doctor and if I can do it, so can you. Anyway, what happened and how did I fail twice? Well the first time I was not ready. Plus I ran out of time in each block. I'm talking about I had 7-8 questions I didn't even get a chance to look at in each block. There are 4 blocks. The second try at the exam, my internet gave out at least TWICE. I was freaking out too much to count. I was flustered and anxious af and again I kept running out of time. I knew my ish because I did well in my practice exams and I was averaging well on Uworld too so damn it what was the problem!!!!??

The third time I took it, it was at a prometric center. THANK GOD! That time was my last chance to pass that exam. My step 2 exam was scheduled for two weeks later and I HAD TO PASS THIS COMP EXAM if I wanted to take step 2 and get my scores back so I can submit my residency applications on time. I took my comp exam and guys the scores took a whole week to be released. IT WAS THE LONGEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. I mean I was losing my mind. I was absolutely miserable. I stayed off social media that week. I prayed, I cried, I fasted, I continued studying and I blogged lol. As a matter of fact, I actually wrote this post during that week. 👀 I like to call it, SPEAKING THINGS INTO EXISTENCE. The tongue is powerful and well I guess the fingers are too since i'm technically typing this lol. Today is Saturday, August 21st  and it's 2:48am. I am typing this and saving it in my drafts to post after Match in March (or later lol). Anyway, I PASSED! I passed comp on the third try and all I can say is God is good! (Again this was all me manifesting my scores that night). 

So I actually received my actual comp scores on August 24 at 2:39pm and I did indeed pass lol. I don't know why God made me go through it three times but I won't ask questions.

I understand why AUC has us taking comp before Step 2 but man this was nerve-wracking. I did everything right. I finished cores on time. I planned my comp early, planned everything early but still had to rearrange everything at the end. I guess it's true what they say...your plans are not always God's plans lol. It's okay though, I rather go with His plans any day :) 

More posts to come!  


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