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Friday, June 14, 2019

Les updates

Sak Pase!

So, first midterms are over (since June 5th actually) and I've been too lazy to do anything since then. So lazy that I haven't even started studying for one of my classes yet and I'm at least 3 days behind on the other two. Yep, I'm THAT behind. Before you say anything...I know, I know, I'm a BAD medical student and I should know better than to let these lectures pile up like that. I'm a bad influence and not a good role model. But to be honest, I'm having a moment. I'm without motivation, I'm tired (mentally) and I just have no stamina to be studying 8-10 hours a day right now. I am not depressed, I'm just DRAINED of physical, social and mental energy. Behind on lectures, laundry is piling up, I haven't actually cooked in weeks, and I've been sleeping and sleeping nonstop. Okay now stop thinking that....I'm not pregnant either 👀

I have experienced this before and like I said, I'm just tired. My mind is racing too much so I needed the time off, I've had it off and now its back to business. My mind does that lol, it's stubborn and it needs breaks. Until it gets a break, i'll just be sitting in front of my laptop, wasting my time watching lectures without actually learning anything. Can we say #SelfCare or nah? #TreatYoself #LifesTooshort

Let's talk about midterms. I did PRETTY well on Neuro and Path II for Exams 1A. Pharm, well....that needed a LOT of work. Through sketchy pharm, tutoring slides and Anki Decks I managed to bring my grade up significantly on Exam 1B. *Pats self on back* I really hope I can catch up this weekend so I can get back to going to classes by Monday. Also, Intro to Clinical medicine (ICM 4) has started so now I'm back to dressing doctor, physical exams and focused patients interviews, oh my! There's no more time to lollygag, I gotta pretend doctor!

The Dean's list ceremony of academic excellence is next Friday, June 21st so I'll see if my beloved friends (AUC and back home) can take some pics of me to share with you all. Community Action Day is next Saturday! CAD is a semesterly event that AUC puts on where students sign up to go volunteer in the St. Maarten community. Whatever interests you really, there are road clean ups, working with kids, planting trees, helping serve ice cream. It's a beautiful thing. You get a free t-shirt and breakfast too!

Finally, thank you to every one who's been following this blog. I've received many emails from people with questions and comments and believe it or not, each and every time I would get nervous because I always want to make sure I'm helping you or answering your questions to your liking. I know how anxious I was when I made the decision to come to AUC and how great it felt knowing that there were people out there I could reach out to for answers.


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