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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

First Week

Sak Pase!

First of all, I want to welcome the new readers. If you want to get a feel for this blog and how I got to this point in my life,  please click on the purple link at the top left of the page titled "Epiphany." It's right above my face :) 

Tired of studying so this will be my quick break. It's only Hump day but this has already been an eventful week. I have so much to say but no time to say type out everything so I will summarize.

The bins that I shipped through Tropical Shipping got to the Island last Friday but I still have not been able to receive them because the people haven't delivered them to the school yet. Apparently, there was a fire in their warehouse last week and some things got burned. My stuff didn't make it to the Island until after the fire so my things are okay. However, a classmate of mine also shipped most of her things and her crate was in the warehouse during the fire so her stuff got burned. I'm sorry for her.

This semester, I am taking Histology, Molecular & Cell Biology I (MCB1), Embryology for the first few weeks of the semester then Anatomy for the rest of the semester. I'm also taking Anatomy Cadaver Dissection lab. Classes are fun. To be honest, I missed learning, it gives me a sense of purpose. HOWEVER, the vast amount of information already presented to us is not fun. I already have an embryology exam this coming Monday. Incroyable (unbelievable)! It will be okay however, because tomorrow is a St Maarten Holiday (Ascension day) so there are no classes. I will spend tomorrow studying for Embryo mainly and my other classes.

I am a loner when it comes to studying. I like to study alone with white noise music in my headphones. I will definitely try to start doing group studying but only after I've grasp the concepts myself first. I'm a little worried about this because TA sessions will be starting soon and I would like to attend them because I hear they're really helpful however, if I need to grasp the concepts myself before doing group studying/learning, is it really worth it to attend those sessions? I'll figure it out I'm sure.

So far, I love the school. Everyone here is so nice. I thought that I would be the only Haitian at the school but I've met some staff that are Haitian and they've introduced me to other Haitian students on campus. Although, they're not first semesters like I am, it still feels great to have a little bit of home on the Island. The other students invited me to the Black Medical Student Association (I hope i'm saying this right) and I can't wait to be part of that group.

 I gotta get back to all of the fun now :)


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